Game Theory

10 May, 2012 510 Mathematics

Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss game theory, the mathematical study of decision-making. First formulated in the 1940s, the discipline entails devising ‘games’ to simulate situations of conflict or cooperation. It allows researchers to unravel decision-making strategies, and even to establish why certain types of behaviour emerge. Some of the games studied in game theory have become well known outside academia - they include the Prisoner’s Dilemma, an intriguing scenario popularised in novels and films, and which has inspired television game shows. Today game theory is seen as a vital tool in such diverse fields as evolutionary biology, economics, computing and philosophy.

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  • Ian Stewart 15 episodes
    Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at the University of Warwick
  • Andrew Colman No other episodes
    Professor of Psychology at the University of Leicester
  • Richard Bradley 2 episodes
    Professor of Philosophy at the London School of Economics and Political Science

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Programme ID: b01h75xp

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Auto-category: 510 (Mathematics)

Hello (First sentence from this episode) Hello. In 1928, a 25-year-old Hungarian student gave his first public lecture.